Care for the Unique Nutrition Challenges of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)
We have the home TPN experience and expertise to help you thrive with SBS.
Support from a
Dedicated Clinician
Choice of Supplies
Delivered Nationwide
Accepted by
Most Insurance
Home TPN for Short Bowel Syndrome
If you or a loved one have short bowel syndrome, you’re not alone. Up to 20,000 people in the U.S. are living with short bowel syndrome1—a condition that involves unique nutrition challenges. Our board-certified nutrition support pharmacists, pharmacists, and nurses at Nutrishare understand these nutritional challenges and provide long-term home TPN support tailored to each patient’s specific needs.
As the only pharmacy in the country devoted exclusively to home TPN, our knowledge, expertise, and experience is unmatched nationally.

What is Short Bowel Syndrome?
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a complex disease that occurs due to the physical or functional loss of a portion of the small intestine. This can be the result of injury, disease, birth defect, or surgery. Because the body absorbs most nutrients consumed—such as fats, carbohydrates (sugars), proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fluids—through the small intestine, parenteral nutrition (PN) is used to provide those nutrients. When the need for PN extends past the hospital and into the home, it is then referred to as home parenteral nutrition.2, 3
What is TPN Treatment
TPN stands for total parenteral nutrition. TPN bypasses the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream to fill a vital role in making up for the body’s lost nutrients, mitigating symptoms, and maintaining a better quality of life. With TPN, a central line is inserted into a large vein and nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream. The first few doses of TPN typically are given in the hospital. Once the patient is stabilized in the hospital on PN they can be transferred home to continue their treatment. The amount of time a person requires TPN varies. For some individuals, TPN may be a lifelong requirement.
Managing the nutritional needs of people with SBS has improved remarkably during the past several years, thanks primarily to advances in home parenteral nutrition.4 These advances mean an improvement in quality of life, especially when coordinated by the experts at Nutrishare.

Our Expert Healthcare Providers
Our care team was designed with the long-term home TPN patient in mind. Featuring board-certified nutrition support specialists who are constantly seeking new ways to improve our patients’ quality of care.
Nutrishare pharmacists, nurses, and dietitians are available to address any clinical issue and have joined the Nutrishare team specifically for their home infusion experience. Many of them hold one of the following: BCNSP (board-certified nutrition support pharmacist) or CNSC (certified nutrition support clinician), and all of them gain more specialized experience and expertise with each passing day.

Personalized Care Focused on Results
Of the patients Nutrishare supports, well over half are living with SBS. As the nation’s only pharmacy focused exclusively on home TPN, we design our care to help them achieve better clinical results, which include:
- Decrease in hospitalization frequency
- Fewer catheter complications
- Consistent monitoring of labs to ensure proper nutrition
- Nutrition formulation adjustments coordinated directly with providers
- Regular communication and progress updates from a dedicated clinician

Minimizing Risk of Complications
In addition to monitoring lab results for nutritional deficits, we also carefully monitor the patient’s risk of developing any long-term home TPN and SBS complications. These may include:
- Infections
- Dehydration
- Long-term kidney or liver problems
- Kidney stones
- Lab abnormalities

Living and Thriving with
Adult Short Bowel Syndrome
A free eBook from the home TPN experts at Nutrishare
Diet for Short Bowel Syndrome
SBS affects nutrient absorption, therefore changes in oral diet are needed to maximize tolerance and manage symptoms.8 Understanding the nutritional challenges our patients face and their wants and needs are all foundational to our system of care, which is designed around helping our patients achieve superior clinical results. We are passionate about ensuring a higher standard of home TPN care.

More Than
Just a Pharmacy
featuring care tips and patient stories from others living with home TPN.
Virtual meetings with other SBS patients, their caregivers, and guest clinical speakers with expertise in SBS.
and options for traveling with your home TPN.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have SBS and require home TPN. Can Nutrishare work with my physician?
I’d like to switch my home TPN provider. How do I join the Nutrishare Family?
Does Nutrishare work with a wide range of insurers?
Can Nutrishare provide home TPN services where I live?
How will I receive my home TPN and supplies?
Can I choose my supplies and infusion pump?
Does Nutrishare care for short-term TPN patients?
Nutrishare's expertise is on the care of the long-term home TPN patients. Our goal is to always provide products and services that will contribute to improving your health and quality of life. Once it is determined that long-term home TPN (6+ months) is necessary, Nutrishare will be there to meet your needs.
Start Living Better Today
Our insurance experts are ready to help you get started with Nutrishare. Begin by submitting an insurance pre-check. A member of our team will contact you. Or call us at 1-800-HOME-TPN (466-3876).
1Short Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s Disease - Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from short-bowel-disease-crohns.pdf
2 Bering, J., & DiBaise, J. K. (2022). Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Nutrients, 14(13), 2558.
3 Mueller, C. M., & American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (Eds.). (2012). Home Nutrition Support. In The A.S.P.E.N. Adult Nutrition Support Core Curriculum (2. ed). A.S.P.E.N.
4 Massironi, S., Cavalcoli, F., Rausa, E., Invernizzi, P., & Braga, M. (2019, December 28). Understanding short bowel syndrome: Current status and future perspectives. Digestive and Liver Disease. Retrieved October 10, 2022, from
5 Flesher, M. (2020, March 18). Short bowel syndrome and Diet. Gastrointestinal Society. Retrieved October 10, 2022, from